CSA Travel/Elite Tryouts
CSA Travel/Elite Tryouts for the 2024-2025 Season
Chili Soccer Association invites you to our 2024-2025 season tryouts. The tryout window will start on Saturday July 27th 2024. Each team will set their tryout schedule, with the first tryout taking place the week of July 27th. All tryouts will be lead by the head coaching staff and supported by guest coaches or evaluators. Details for each age group including the coach, field and time of tryout session(s) are posted below. Pre-registration and a tryout fee of $15.00 is required before tryouts. Please note that your player is able to try out for multiple teams by paying the one-time $15.00 fee. Use the link below to register for tryouts.
Please read this message before continuing to Register
When registering your player, it is very important to use their LEGAL first and last name that match their birth certificate. To complete registration through our secure site, please have your credit card information available.
If you have a player that participated in our CSA travel program for 2024, please DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT! Sign in using the userID/Email you created when registering your player for this season. If you cannot remember this userID/email or are having problems signing in, please contact our Club Registrar at registrar@chilisoccer.org
If you do not have an existing GotSport account, you will need to create a new account and enter your household and player information to register for the new season.
*IMPORTANT* In order to complete this registration for your player, you will need the following:
- Register using your players full LEGAL name (no nicknames)
- Medical Insurance information
QUESTIONS? Any questions or troubles with registration, please email our Club Registrar at registrar@chilisoccer.org
Travel Program Information
Cost: $445
- RDYSL registration and referee fees
- 1 indoor Team training session/week through Fall/Winter season (hosted by CSA Team Coaching Staff)
- 2 indoor Technical training sessions/month through Fall/Winter season (hosted by Craig Demmin)
- 1 CSA Practice Jersey
- Entry into the Chili Soccer Invitational Tournament
- Licensed coaches
Does NOT include:
- Uniform Kit – Please refer to the uniform kit ordering page
- Additional tournaments and training are team optional
Cost: $895
- State Cup entry fee and referee fees
- Thruway League registration and referee fees OR High-level tournament fee registration
- Entry into Thruway League dependent upon league acceptance of team application
- RDYSL (Optional, teams' decision)
- 2 indoor Team training session/week through Fall/Winter season (Including 2 indoor sessions/month hosted by Craig Demmin, supported by CSA Coaching Staff)
- 1 CSA Practice Jersey
- Entry into the Chili Soccer Invitational Tournament
- Licensed coaches
NOT Included:
- Uniform Kit – Please refer to the uniform kit ordering page
- Additional tournaments and training are team optional
AGE MATRIX Due to US Youth Soccer directives, significant change were made to the age divisions for the 2017 season and beyond. The age matrix below illustrates the age divisions for 2024 season. Instructions for 2025 Season Age Matrix 1) Find the month the player was born in the top row. For the Travel/Travel Elite programs, check the Travel Policies and Guidelines for additional details.