51st Chili Soccer Association Invitational Travel Tournament
May 30th to June 1st 2025
The Chili Invitational is hosted by Chili Soccer Association and sanctioned by NYSW as a Travel Soccer Tournament. The tournament is open to Girls and Boys U9-U19.
Click to Register for the Tournament
More details will be posted as we have them
Please contact Amy Wood or Erin Noll with any questions.
Attention College Coaches
Friday night College ID Showcase Game for Uncommitted Grad Years 2025-2027
Registered teams are from Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara, Amherst, Syracuse, Adirondacks, Utica, Canada and other surrounding areas
Premier/D1/D2 teams
Games are held at Davis Park in Chili and Total Sports Experience in Gates
Age division through U19
You can email sgalvano@monroecc.edu with questions
Hotel comp rooms available--limited availability — Reach out as soon as possible
College Coaches Attending
Tournament Hotel:
- We are NOT a Stay to Play tournament. We encourage you to use our travel partner to book your rooms. However, if you do choose to book on your own, your registration/acceptance will not be in jeopardy.
- Hotel accommodations can be booked through our travel partner, Traveling Teams.
- For hotel booking options: click here
- For questions: reg@travelingteams.com
50th Chili Soccer Association Invitational Travel Tournament
May 30th to June 1st
The Chili Invitational is hosted by Chili Soccer Association and sanctioned by NYSW as a Travel Soccer Tournament. The tournament is open to Girls and Boys U9-U19.
Registration is now closed
Click Here for Team Check-in Instructions:
- We are encouraging email check-in prior to the tournament but will allow in person check-ins Friday night from 6-8 at Davis Park (Tournament Headquarters: 541 Chestnut Ridge Road, Rochester, NY 14624). We will also allow traveling teams to bring them to the main tent Saturday morning prior to your first game. Email check in must be complete by 5/30/23.
- Documents must be sent in one email with the Team, Gender, Age and Name in the subject line. Multiple emails will not be accepted.
- Email documents to tournaments@chilisoccer.org
- If there are changes after 5/30/23, please stop by Tournament Headquarters with the documents.
- Guest Players – You may bring up to 3. Write them in on your roster with birth date and jersey number and provide their player pass during check-in. Place a line on your roster through any players not attending. You cannot exceed the maximum roster size.
We are very excited to announce that the Chili Travel Invitational Webstore is officially open! Support these amazing athletes and their organization by picking up some tournament swag!
There are a couple ways to get apparel; choose the option that works best for you!
- On-Site Event Printing Highlights
- Match Play Ink will also be on-site and printing at the tournament!
- If you prefer to try on or compare your apparel options in person, this is the way to go!
- There may be additional apparel available on-site
- There will be additional novelty designs available on-site
As a Sponsor, Dick's has provided a coupon for teams to use during our tournament weekend. There are 3 stores located near the hotels teams are staying at.
Click here and share this coupon with your families.
Looking for something to do Friday or Saturday night? The Rochester Red Wings are playing at home. Check out beautiful Frontier Field, their delicious concessions and fireworks after the game! Click here for their Group Rates.
Entry Fee:
U8 – U10 team Registration Fee is $450 (entry fee is non-refundable once accepted)
U11 – U19 team Registration Fee is $595 (entry fee is non-refundable once accepted)
Deadline for early registration discount is March 22
- (U11-U19 save $40, must be paid in full by March 22)
Please contact Amy Wood or Erin Noll with any questions.
Attention College Coaches:
Friday night College ID Showcase Game for Uncommitted Grad Years 2025-2027
Registered teams are from Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara, Amherst, Syracuse, Adirondacks, Utica, Canada and other surrounding areas
Premier/D1/D2 teams
Games are held at Davis Park in Chili and Gates Chili HS
Age division through U19
You can email sgalvano@monroecc.edu with questions
College Coach Registration
College Coaches Attending
Tournament Hotel:
- We are NOT a Stay to Play tournament. We encourage you to use our travel partner to book your rooms. However, if you do choose to book on your own, your registration/acceptance will not be in jeopardy.
- Hotel accommodations can be booked through our travel partner, Traveling Teams.
- For hotel booking options: click here
- For questions: reg@travelingteams.com