MURSL Reschedule Process

MURSL Reschedule Process
  1. Contact the opposing Coach (Reference the MURSL Club Contact Information link)
  2. Identify mutual convenient dates as options
  3. If you are the HOME Coach - contact CSA Director of Fields, provide Director with dates identified above and your division (i.e. B-U12), and wait for suitable date and field in a return email
  4. HOME Coach is responsible for contacting the MURSL ref assignor John Winterberger (MURSL)
  5. Select the following link to schedule a referee:
  6. HOME Coach contacts opposing Coach with the new game details

MURSL’s Club Contact Information:

Click Here to view the contact information for each of the clubs involved in the Monroe United Recreational Soccer League (MURSL).  Information includes: Coaches name (or club central contact), phone number and e-mail address (when provided)

Note:  The files above are in PDF format and requires a reader that can be downloaded for free from Adobe.